Rabu, 21 Maret 2018

Tugas 1: Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Pronoun : Cryptocurrency Mining Cause The Shortage Of Graphics Card Stock

1. Background

The development of digital technology is now growing rapidly. One of the fastest growing technologies today is cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency consists of Cryptography and Currency, Crypto means Secret and Currency is Currency. so when viewed in terms of Language then it means "Secret Currency". Cryptocurrency is a digital currency in which transactions can be done in the network (online). This technology uses cryptography for security that makes it impossible to forge. Cryptocurrency is decentralized, meaning that this currency is not regulated by a particular person / organization. Many cryptocurrency currencies are emerging on the internet such as bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, Etherum, Stellar, Ripple and others. The most popular cryptocurrency today is Bitcoin. There are several ways to earn this digital money by buying with real money, from paying for goods, trading and mining. Cryptocurrency is generated through a math problem solving that involves a series of complex algorithmic calculations on the computer. Not just any computer can also be used to perform activities called "mining" this. It needs a high computer specification and requires a high cost to build it.

As mentioned earlier, computers used for mining perform complex mathematical calculations to verify cryptocurrency transactions on the Internet. An important part of the computer performing the task is the CPU (Central Processing Unit).

In its development, the CPU is no longer reliable for mining. Therefore miner switching uses GPU (Graphics processing unit). GPU is a special component of a "unit" that is tasked with processing everything that leads to graphics. whether it is in the form of Game, Multimedia (Video), Images 3D / 2D, 2D / 3D animation and others. GPU is mostly selected for mining because it can execute 3200-bit 32-bit instructions per clock. Whereas if use CPU can only execute 4 instruction 32-bit per clock. This means more processing is done, in other words they will get more cryptocurrency in this case bitcoin, etherum, litecoin and others. However, there is a new problem. This GPU should be used to do graphics on computers, such as creating 3D content, editing photos and videos, and most importantly, playing games. but now this gpu is used to do cryptocurrency mining.

After I read some articles, lately some people complained about the high price of GPU. Price increases of some GPU models such as AMD RX 570 and Nvidia GTX 1070 reach above 100%. Even in some stores price increases could reach 213%. For example AMD RX 570 4 GB where the normal price only 250 US dollars increase to 433 US dollars.

This is due to the shortage of GPU stocks on the market.  The lack of GPU stock is due to the miners buying the GPU in large quantities. They will use the GPU to do cryptocurrency mining.

in my opinion, this is very unfair. because most of the miners are investors who have a lot of money. they want to invest their money to do cryptocurrency mining. with their money, they can buy as many GPUs as they want. whereas content creators and gamers do not have as much money as they have. but they also need the GPU, they also have the right to get the GPU at an affordable price.

I do not agree with the actions of these miners. because they have damaged the price of GPU in the market. for that, gpu producers like ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte, Zotac and others should immediately increase the GPU production in order to stabilize the price back so that it is affordable to everyone.

2. Theory
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Examples: he, she, it, they, someone, who. Pronouns can do all of the things that nouns can do. They can be subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, object of the preposition, and more.
For Example:
  • ·         Erik Weihenmayer is a blind mountain climber. (noun)
  • ·         He is a blind mountain climber. (pronoun)  

the pronoun he took the place of the noun Erik Weihenmayer

Types of Pronouns

1.  Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns can be the subject of a clause or sentence. They are: I, he, she, it, they, we, and you. For example: “They went to the store.”
Personal pronouns can also be objective, where they are the object of a verb, preposition, or innitive phrase. They are: me, her, him, it, you, them, and us. Example: “David gave the gift to her.”

2.  Subjective
Subject pronouns are often (but not always) found at the beginning of a sentence. More precisely, the subject of a sentence is the person or thing that lives out the verb. For example:
·        I owe that person $3,000. – I am living out that debt. I is the subject pronoun.
·        He and I had a fight. – This sentence has two subjects because he and I were both involved in the fight.

3. Objective
By contrast, objects and object pronouns indicate the recipient of an action or motion. They come after verbs and prepositions (to, with, for, at, on, beside, under, around, etc.). For example:
·         The guy I borrowed money from showed me a crowbar and told me to pay him immediately.
·          I begged him for more time.

4. Possessive
Pronouns Possessive pronouns show ownership. The term covers both possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives. Absolute possessive pronouns – mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers, its – are truly pronouns because they refer to a previously named or understood noun. They stand alone, not followed by any other noun. For example:
  • ·         You have your vices, and I have mine.

There are two types of pronouns here: personal (you/I) and possessive (mine). There's also a possessive adjective (your).

Pronominal possessive adjectives include: my, your, our, their, his, her and its. They are used as pronouns as they refer to an understood noun, showing possession by that noun of something. They are technically adjectives, though, because they modify a noun that follows them. For example:
  • ·         My money is all gone.
  • ·         I gambled it all away on your race horse

5. Indefinite Pronouns
These pronouns do not point to any particular nouns, but refer to things or people in general. Some of them are: few, everyone, all, some, anything, and nobody.  For example: Everyone is already here.

6. Relative Pronouns
These pronouns are used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun. These are: who, whom, which, whoever, whomever, whichever, and that. For example: The driver who ran the stop sign was careless.

7. Intensive Pronouns
These pronouns are used to emphasize a noun or pronoun. These are: myself, himself, herself, themselves, itself, yourself, yourselves, and ourselves. For example: He himself is his worst critic.  

8. Demonstrative Pronouns
There are five demonstrative pronouns: these, those, this, that, and such. They focus attention on the nouns that are replacing.  For example: Such was his understanding.

9. Interrogative Pronouns
These pronouns are used to begin a question: who, whom, which, what, whoever, whomever, whichever, and whatever. For example What are you bringing to the party?

10. Reflexive Pronouns
There is one more type of pronoun, and that is the reflexive pronoun. These are the ones that end in “self” or "selves." They are object pronouns that we use when the subject and the object are the same noun. For example:
  • ·         I told myself not to spend all my money on new shoes.
  • ·         My friend really hurt himself when he tripped on the stairs.

We also use them to emphasize the subject.
  • ·         Usually, the guy I borrowed the money from will send an employee to collect the money, but since I owed so much, he himself came to my house.

3. Analysis
Analysis of the background of the problem by adjusting it using pronoun.
Sentences that contain Personal pronoun:
  • ·         so when viewed in terms of Language then it means "Secret Currency".
  • ·         It needs a high computer specification and requires a high cost to build it.
  • ·       GPU is mostly selected for mining because it can execute 3200-bit 32-bit instructions per clock.
  • ·    in other words they will get more cryptocurrency in this case bitcoin, etherum, litecoin and others.
  • ·         They will use the GPU to do cryptocurrency mining.
  • ·         they want to invest their money to do cryptocurrency mining.
  • ·         they also have the right to get the GPU at an affordable price.
  • ·         because they have damaged the price of GPU in the market.

Sentences that contain Demonstrative pronoun:
  • ·         This technology uses cryptography for security that makes it impossible to forge.
  • ·         This means more processing is done
  • ·         This is due to the shortage of GPU stocks on the market.
  • ·         "...meaning that this currency is not regulated by a particular person / organization."

Sentences that contain Possesive pronoun:
  • ·         In its development, the CPU is no longer reliable for mining.
  • ·         with their money, they can buy as many GPUs as they want.

Sentences that contain Indefinite pronoun:
  • ·         so that it is affordable to everyone.

4. Conclusion

from the above background it can be concluded that cryptocurrency mining causes a lot of demand on the GPU thereby reducing the stock of GPUs on the market. Reduced stocks in the market cause a high price increase. For that GPU manufacturers should immediately increase their production to keep the GPU prices back to normal. articles above there are some pronoun namely Indefinite pronoun, Possessive pronoun, Demonstrative pronoun and Personal pronoun.

5. Source