Kamis, 19 April 2018

Tugas 2: Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


Haikal Zamzami
Raya Jatiwaringin No. 82
Bekasi, 17411

April 19, 2019

Selection Comitte
Division of Computer Science

Dear Selection Comitte,

My name is Haikal Zamzami. I am writing to apply for the Master’s Degree Computer Science in the University of California, Berkeley. In this year I will completing my bachelor degree’s of Information System at Gunadarma University.

My interest in computer technology began from junior high school when my parents bought me an android smartphone. I think it's very interesting. I can take photos, watch videos, open the internet and connect with friends on social media, all things can be done on this device. Until one day I thought, "how they can be created" and "how to make it". until I found that it was made with the computer. At that time I was excited to learn about computers. The interest continued until I graduated from senior high school.

After graduating senior high school I went to Gunadarma University. I heard this is one of a good university about computer science. I majored in information systems. At that time I was not concerned with what I took, as long as it is related to the computer, it does not matter. Until finally I realized that computer science is very wide. There are many things to learn like like Algorithms and Programming, Management Information Systems, Structure & Organization Data,  Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Computer Interaction & Human, Graphics and Algorithm Analysis, Object Oriented Programming etc.

After several years of college, I am interesting in mobile application development and web development. With mobile application development I will be able to create applications for smartphones, then with web development I will be able to create many useful websites such as ecommerce, information service websites and others. Besides being studied in the classroom, I also learned self-taught on the internet. I studied in forums and tutorials on the internet about mobile application development and web development to deepen my knowledge. I have also created websites with PHP and MySQL programming languages also create mobile apps with android studio and ionic framework.

The rapid development of technology especially mobile application development and web development forced me to improve my ability. Therefore I am interested to proceed to the University of California, Berkeley. I am interested to study at the University of California Berkeley because this university is one of the best in the world in computer science. There is the place of inventors and founders of technology companies. There I will be able to study the experts in the field of computer and know the latest technological developments so that I can improve my ability in mobile application development and web development.

Thank you for giving me opportunity and other students to apply for a scholarship at the University of California Berkeley. I greatly appreciate your consideration, and look forward to your positive response.


Haikal Zamzami
